Saturday, August 15, 2009


Kathy Farrelly said...

Kites in flight. Beautiful.

cube said...

Oh you big brat, here you finally have a blog of your own and you don't even let me know...

Consider yourself in the doghouse with me, Missie.

Elliot said...
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Jack said...

Happy anniversary and congratulations on sixteen years.

ClarenceComments said...

Guess what Kathy?

I don't care how "good a man" Will is, when he can't correct his science. Science is based on Truth and if he had less ego and more humbleness he'd have run those numbers - though honestly, I doubt he can. I'm responding here because even though I never had a problem with any of those people over there at Patriactionary, they've spent months attacking me personally behind my back *I do NOTE comments even if I don't respond - Svar is mostly the guilty one but then he seems hateful to everybody who doesn't believe exactly as he believes* and they control the medium over there and feel free to insult.

Anyway if you want to hang with a bunch of chauvinistic bullies that's up to you, as for me I'm just going to laugh by myself at some idiot who thinks we have the technology to mine the moon enough to affect the tides, and as for you, I'm just going to assume that the Kathy I thought I knew was just an illusion. I hardly ever defended YOU on Dalrocks, you'll note. I'm glad, because you are a backstabbing bully worshipping bitch. If Will tried to argue with me in a neutral forum about that "lunar tides" insanity, he'd lose.

Anyway, publish this or not, I don't care.

Kathy Farrelly said...

Thanks for the fan mail Clarence..
Funny.. I never check my blog that never was.. Don’t know what made me even look this time. Sixth sense. Lol.
Your comment is here, still. I can’t be bothered with your pettiness. I’ll leave it there.

As for Will and Svar, they are very good Christian blokes.. And I like good Christian men.. They have the courage of their convictions..

Peace brother. :)